The hottest summer in Britain and Europe
Being abroad in Great Britain I was fortunate to witness the hottest summer, that ever occurred in the British Isles. Because I am from Poland, in this article I would like at least a bit to compare last British Summer with the Polish one and say a little bit about this summer in general, referring to the whole northern hemisphere. I am very surprised, that this year I could experience a hotter Summer, than in Poland and the rest part of Central Europe. The hottest summer came after a relatively cold spring. Because in the first part of the year temperatures across the UK were much lower than in previous years I didn’t suppose, that summer would come at all. A few “beasts front the east” stroke the British Isles between February and April, causing lag in sprouting and vegetation development. The situation changed in mid-April when temperatures shot up to about 25 degrees Celsius for a few days and the next, aftercooler period, around the May Day bank holiday. Despite late spring approaching May was the warmest and the sunniest, as recorded in the UK. The hottest summer approached suddenly. It comprised about 5 heatwaves between 23 June and 21 September, although as far as I have noticed English meteorologists used to say “heatwave” already when the temperature hovers around 25 degrees Celsius. Possibly this is because of the high humidity, which is typical for maritime climes, making a feeling temperature higher than it really is. Anyway, I will associate this summer with a vast five-week heatwave, that resulted in a huge drought across the country and, what is irritating, terminated a few hours before the total lunar eclipse. 1. UNUSUALLY HOT WEATHER IN GREAT BRITAIN The summer in Britain began on the 22nd of June when a heatwave was […]