Solar eclipse below the horizon – the observation guideline

Solar eclipse below the horizon observation pattern

The 2024 total solar eclipse is coming. Anyone interested will be in North America. We cannot forget about the people, who live or will temporarily stay in Western Europe on the day when the event occurs. Therefore I decided to prepare the text, which presents the guideline for this specific kind of observation. The guideline … Read more

Is the selenelion lunar eclipse really rare event?

Earth umbra pattern

In this text, I would like somewhat to continue the thread from the previous one, which has described briefly my observation of the “just” partial lunar eclipse on Monday morning of May 16th. As I mentioned there, there is a thing, which requires an explanation. The question has been asked in the title and my … Read more

Just partial lunar eclipse of May 16th 2022

Partial lunar eclipse 2022 Zimna Woda

I had a good occasion to watch just a partial lunar eclipse from southeastern Poland  – my homeland, this time. The event, although very short, will be remembered probably forever. Before I will get to this point, I must start from the beginning and describe the overall total lunar eclipse of May 16th, 2022 circumstances … Read more

Lunar occultations of the brightest stars in the 2021-2040 period

Lunar occultations of stars Meeus 1997

The last piece of the topic about the most interesting celestial events in the period of 2021 – 2040 covers lunar occultations of stars. I haven’t described it before, because in my point of view, they are not as spectacular as they could be. In fact, this is only my point of view, therefore this … Read more

The 49 brightest stars in the night sky – when and where can we see them?

25 brightest stars in the sky NASA

Since this amazing image (at the top) has been published, the articles about the 25 brightest stars in the night sky grew like weeds. Despite a multitude of similar texts presenting a brief description of the brightest stars, which can be seen in the night sky there is no complete information. I do not mean … Read more

Top 100 the most beautiful places from where you could observe annular or total solar eclipses in the 2021-2040 period

Eclipses and tourist places Top 100 2021-2040

This article is probably a compression of the ebook, which I would like to release in the nearest future about the 500 spots, from where you could observe both annular and total solar eclipses worldwide in the 2021-2040 period. I have inspiration from the Sky and Telescope magazine, which has prepared recently a similar list … Read more

10 the most spectacular celestial events to watch in 2021-2040

Top 10 celestial events up to 2040

This text is somewhat the continuation of the previous one, tailored for the most unique celestial events or group of celestial events, which will occur in the 2021-2030 decade. This time you will read about 10 of the best occurrences in the sky within the next 20 years. Some of the astronomical events described in … Read more

The most unique astronomical events you shouldn’t miss in the 2021-2030 decade

Moon Venus Mars and Milky Way 2029

Recently we have entered the new decade 2021-2030. This is a good time to take a look at what major astronomical events will occur throughout this time. I don’t mean typical celestial events, as known from a vast majority of astronomical calendars issued usually on a yearly basis. I would like to take a deep … Read more

Rendering the horizon in Stellarium

Rendering horizon in Stellarium

I am very excited to announce to you a brand new tool, which has been developed just after the newest Stellarium edition was released. I mean the Stellarium version 0.2 onwards, which is the reach of new features. One of them is the possibility of loading the polygonal type of horizon, known by many of … Read more

Astrophotography with Sigma 150-600mm DG OS Contemporary and dedicated teleconverters

Moon Sigma 150-600 Contemporary Nikon

The summary of my amateur test with a Sigma 150-600mm DG OS Contemporary lens and two teleconverters TC-1401 and TC-2001 includes the astrophotography section. I wanted to check this lens in terms of its ability to capture celestial objects. The fundamental difference between celestial objects and terrestrial objects is, that these first are in motion, … Read more

Tokina 11-16mm AT-X PRO f2/8 DX II – one of the best wide-angle options for DSLR camera

Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 for Nikon

Finally, I decided to buy this lens after a very long contemplation. It was the longest deal with my DSLR purchase ever, which lasted more than 2 years frankly. The reason, why this optic was so desired by myself was driven by the common problem in DSLR photography – “the lack of field”. The majority … Read more

RAW image noise removal with the OpenSource image processing tools

RAW photo denoise various softwares

Noise is a ubiquitous feature for all images, which we take.  It’s expressed by random speckles present on our image, which we can compare to the film grain for analog cameras. Unfortunately, noise can seriously deteriorate the quality of our image. It is only one side, where the noise can play a positive role – … Read more

H-Alpha filter in an exceptional observations of solar phenomena

Mercury in H alpha near Sun

In this short post, I would like to share with you my ideas, on how can we use the Hydrogen-alpha filter for solar observations during exceptional situations. The situations, that I am going to take into account are mostly solar eclipses, but also internal planet transits.  We have less than 2 months to Mercury transit … Read more

Xiaomi Mi 9 6GB 128 GB (Global version) test, part 2 – night photography facilities

Another part of my photography test of the Xiaomi Mi 9 6GB 128GB (Global Version) refers to the low light conditions. Frankly speaking, likewise daytime photo & video facilities there is no big difference between the current model and the previous one – Mi 8. No big difference does’ mean, that there is no difference … Read more

How bright the starlight is?

Albany, WA, Starlight

A vast majority of people around the World don’t realize something like starlight. Nowadays, when skies are highly polluted with light, most people cannot even see the Milky Way in the sky. It’s known history, that during a huge power cut in Los Angeles in 1994 people were calling authorities, asking them what is this … Read more

Top 21 things to see during solar eclipse

Total solar eclipse 2017 Wyoming Riverton

At the finish of my considerations about the solar eclipse phenomena observations, done during the last total solar eclipse in the USA as well as another few partial solar eclipses, which I have been fortunate to witness in my life, I would like to summarize all things and put them in one piece. I was … Read more

Top 10 intriguing things to see during solar eclipse

Solar eclipse 2017 96%

A solar eclipse is the most spectacular natural phenomenon, as we can see on Earth. It induces at least a dozen or so other events, which occurrence can be observed during this time. In this article, I would like to list 10 of the most intriguing and uncommon phenomena, which an observer is able to … Read more

The movement of prominences against the lunar disk during total solar eclipse

TSE 2017 prominence movement

Except for many phenomena related to the total solar eclipse, that I observed away from the Sun there is one, which is worth attention. This is a prominences movement against the lunar disk, as we can observe during totality. As we know, everything moves in the sky. A fleeting solar eclipse is an effect of … Read more

Photography of the Sun through a natural filters

Sun through fog

Gazing at the Sun with the naked eye is dangerous. Much more dangerous is watching the Sun through instruments like binoculars or telescopes without a filter! It causes serious eye damage, which is a retina burn and blindness for the rest of your life. Basically, there are two types of solar filters: white light and … Read more