Upload vector layers to Windy.com in order to check the weather for your trip

KML layer at Windy.com

It’s been about half a year since Windy.com launched an option to upload .kml, .gpx and .geojson files into the weather map. It happened thanks to the Leaflet-kml plugin, available here. Apart from the Leaflet Javascript API map software, where we can use this plugin for loading our own .kml files, we can add them … Read more

Horizontal visibility as the main factor of long-distance observations, part 2 – contrast, human perception and weather forecast

Bryce Canyon horizontal visibility

In the 1st part of this article, I have explained the relationship between visibility and weather conditions as well as an astronomical factor and light scattering issue. Now I would like to explain the contrast phenomena and human eye perception of the view, which are also integral elements of long-distance observations. Recently the contrast issue … Read more

The hottest summer in Britain and Europe

Cambridge Park & Peace drought 2018

Being abroad in Great Britain I was fortunate to witness the hottest summer, that ever occurred in the British Isles. Because I am from Poland, in this article I would like at least a bit to compare last British Summer with the Polish one and say a little bit about this summer in general, referring … Read more

Why the haze is an important weather factor, part 2 – impact on visibility and light scattering

Haze impact on light scattering

This writing is a continuation of a whole article about haze as an important weather factor. Previously I have described the basic types of haze and I drew attention to the impact the atmospheric aerosols on human health. Now, in terms of the continuation, I would like to describe the impact of haze on the … Read more