Why Indoor Mapping Is A Game Changer For Transportation Hubs

Indoor mapping transportation hubs

Imagine if you could know exactly where you were inside a building, without ever having to ask for help. Indoor mapping is making this a reality, and it’s changing the way we navigate transportation hubs like airports and train stations. With indoor mapping, passengers can easily find their way to their gate or platform, no … Read more

A guide for displaying the Sweet Home 3D model in Google Earth

Sweet Home 3D model in Google Earth

Sweet Home 3D is an open-source architectural design software, mostly dedicated to interiors, which helps users create a 2D plan of a house with a 3D preview. In this design software, a user can also decorate exterior and interior views by placing a multitude of objects. These objects are mostly furniture and home appliances, which … Read more

How to get the floorplans from the MagicPlan app for free?

Magicplan floorplan

The Magicplan is an Android application, by which we can quickly draw the floorplan of any building i.e. camera scanning or corner defining. The spectrum of options looks wide, even in the free bundle because we can add some internal objects and furniture. This is the stuff, which is mostly needed for common work projects. … Read more