QGIS tutorials

QGIS for viewers and newbies
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Want to learn QGIS? You have chosen a good option. I will run you through all the steps, which every newbie should know. Browse the ebook and the topics below and learn QGIS from scratch as I did.


  1. Installation of QGIS
  2. Choosing the project
  3. Getting around with QGIS interface
  4. Plugins installation
  5. Basic map
  6. Coordinate Reference System (CRS)
  7. QGIS hot keys
  8. Menu bar
  9. Toolbars
  10. Working with layers panel
  11. Interface – summary
  12. Checking layer properties
  13. Selecting layers & items
  14. Inspecting items
  15. Important settings
  16. Working with data attribute table
  17. Styling layer
  18. Exporting layer
  19. Exporting map to file
  20. Printing map


I have included here some random topics, which have been developed more widely than in the attached book above. I tried to gather the issues, which aren’t commonly explained on the web.

  1. Customizing map tiles
  2. Identify results
  3. Attribute table
  4. Map decorations



Want to learn QGIS basics individually at the face-to-face meetings? Arrange the lesson! You will be instructed by a graduated geography teacher, who knows how to lead his students from complete scratch. I will explain everything step by step and take care of your full understanding of the QGIS fundaments.

Availability:        MS Teams, Google Meets, Zoom
Time:                  20 – 22UTC Mon-Sat
Pricing:              $30/hour
Contact:             Ask for the lesson!