Travelling & Sightseeing from home

Google Trekker

Now is not the best time for traveling around the world, because it’s restricted due to the coronavirus outbreak worldwide. Nevertheless, if our life is affected by a pandemic or not, this type of sightseeing always has pros. 1. REASONS FOR TRAVELLING & SIGHTSEEING FROM HOME The rudimental reason for it is the preparation for … Read more

Make a Virtual Travel Guide like Street View

Travel guide Google Earth

A couple months ago I described my opinions about getting appropriate information about your own trip. I wrote this to the tour guides mainly however, this issue applies to everyone who is planning the trip and want to see and get to know about something interesting. I mentioned the kind of applications like (Google) Travel … Read more

Wirtualna Baza Wiedzy Regionalnej jako miejsce zaawansowanej bazy informacji o terenie. (The Virtual Database of Regional Knowledge as a place of advanced terrain information database).

Wirtualna Baza Wiedzy Regionalnej

Introduction            The Virtual Database of Regional Knowledge is my brainchild about a collection of every kind of information about a random area. Nowadays we are everywhere surrounded by information technology and we have huge access to information from almost every place in the world. You have many tools, which help … Read more

A może by tak… Google Travel Guide? (Maybe could we make a Google Travel Guide?)

Google travel guide

Because of the fact, that tourist traffic grows up I have some ideas to upgrade your trip. I have an idea for an application, which can provide the most interest information about the place, which you are going to or the object you pass by during your trip. This application may be useful for tourist … Read more