Total solar eclipse 2020 – remote chasing the umbra and a brief explanation how do the webcams work

Total solar eclipse below the horizon Namibia 2020

The total solar eclipse on December 14, 2020, was the last one in the 2nd decade and obviously the first “Twenty Years Solar Eclipse Path Tables”  of the XXI century. Most people call this eclipse the COVID eclipse, due to omnipresent travel restrictions, which kept a lot of eclipse chasers in their homes. They could … Read more

The foliage fall mystery

Foliage fall Chorkówka

Have you ever wondered what factors determine the leaves falling from trees in the autumn?  Or maybe you noticed, that the period, when leaves fall on the ground varies every year. This article is an answer to these two basic questions because the foliage fall phenomenon isn’t so simple as thriving leaves from buds during … Read more

The weather-based long range plans for your astronomical expedition

Cloud fraction global map NASA

If you are an astronomer, astrophotographer, or even amateur tourist, you have some dreams about long-haul trips for sure.  Quite often these trips are such long-range plans, because of our financial situation or spare time available in the foreseeable future.  In astronomy or astrophotography, these plans are mostly determined by rare celestial events, which often … Read more

Short heat plume with record-breaking temperatures

UK Heatvawe 2019

Late July is usually the hottest period in Europe, especially in the countries located further from the Atlantic influence. Unless we are talking about the areas, that lie close to the western shore, then the highest temperatures fall in August usually. Living in Poland I always deemed this period of the year as something like … Read more

Should Mediterranean people be prepared for a tropical cyclone?

Mallorca flood

In this article, I would like to try to answer the question in the title. I based my suggestions on the last weather patterns, that used to happen in the Mediterranean region for the last several autumnal periods. Besides I was  (un)fortunate to experience similar weather phenomena during my stay in Mallorca in December 2016. … Read more

The hottest summer in Britain and Europe

Cambridge Park & Peace drought 2018

Being abroad in Great Britain I was fortunate to witness the hottest summer, that ever occurred in the British Isles. Because I am from Poland, in this article I would like at least a bit to compare last British Summer with the Polish one and say a little bit about this summer in general, referring … Read more

“Beast from the east” a nightmare for British people

Beat from the east Cambridge UK

“Beast from the east” is the common British expression for the wintry air mass, that comes to Britain mainly from the east or northeast. It happens when a big land-based high-pressure system is coming to Eastern Europe and bringing arctic air mass from north-west Russia (The White Sea or the Ural Mountains) to Central and … Read more

Early spring in England

Bee at cherry blossom

Last winter in the UK was really mild. I haven’t seen snow at all. The temperature was hovering around 5-10 C deg. It incurred a faster vegetation period. Moreover during late march and early April temperatures in England were high, sometimes higher than 20 C deg. (Pic.1). Thanks to this we could enjoy a really … Read more