Tagged: JSON

OpenInfraMap in QGIS 0

Displaying OpenInfraMap data in QGIS

OpenInfraMap is one of many OpenStreetMap projects, which is concentrated on highlighting the infrastructure worldwide. Predominantly this infrastructure is invisible in the major OpenStreetMap rendering but is directly sourced from OpenStreetMap. The OpennInfraMap is...

OpenLayers custom drawings 0

Saving Openlayers custom drawings as the .geoJSON file

In this short post, I would like to demonstrate to you the programmatic method of saving the custom shapes in OpenLayers as the .geoJSON file. Drawing your own features on the OpenLayers map canvas...

QGIS Popup customization 0

QGIS2web Openlayers map pop-up customization

QGIS2web plugin is very handy because it is somewhat of a gateway between your QGIS project and its presence outside in the interactive version. The plugin is able to render as much as it...