Downloading OpenStreetMap vector datasets effectively

OpenStreetMap data download to QGIS

OpenStreetMap platform is a worldwide free geographic database, updated and maintained by free volunteers. The primary advantage of this platform is the availability of the data, which can be downloaded anytime by the user unlike Google Maps, which requires appropriate payments. In fact, there are a few options for getting the GIS vector data from … Read more

The quickest way of making the speed limit map

Speed limit map London OpenStreetMap

Previously I explained to you how to make the speed limit in QGIS and display it in Google Maps. This process required drawing the new layer including the speed limit of the given road sections collected from the map service. Admittedly this is not the quickest way of getting a map such as this, … Read more

Displaying OpenInfraMap data in QGIS

OpenInfraMap in QGIS

OpenInfraMap is one of many OpenStreetMap projects, which is concentrated on highlighting the infrastructure worldwide. Predominantly this infrastructure is invisible in the major OpenStreetMap rendering but is directly sourced from OpenStreetMap. The OpennInfraMap is focused on displaying: – Power, – Solar generation, – Petroleum (Oil & Gas), – Water infrastructure, – Telecoms. The map is … Read more

How to capture any interactive map larger than screen easily?

Capturing the map larger than screen

There are a few nice tools, which help you to get your map larger than the screen of your desktop. However, all of them are predominantly focused on Google Maps, which is the most popular interactive map platform. If you want to have your Google Map bigger than your screen, even up to 12000x12000Px resolution … Read more

How to display your KML file on Google Earth with the map tile layer?

OpenStreetMap in Google Earth Sierra Nevada

Google Earth is a handy tool, which includes much information. Most of this information can be shown as the layer overlaid on the satellite imagery covering our virtual globe. These layers can be displayed along with our own .kml files plotted into our area. The layers built into Google Earth are not sole. The user … Read more

Good solution to georeferencing the AutoCAD DWG drawing in QGIS 3x

Georeference DWG files in QGIS

Today I would like to demonstrate how to georeference the AutoCad .dwg file in QGIS. The .dwg extension keeps layers, colours, line thickness etc. in other words all information included in the drawing file. This is the biggest advantage of drawing files over another AutoCad extension – the .dxf. This format, on the other hand, … Read more

Travelling & Sightseeing from home

Google Trekker

Now is not the best time for traveling around the world, because it’s restricted due to the coronavirus outbreak worldwide. Nevertheless, if our life is affected by a pandemic or not, this type of sightseeing always has pros. 1. REASONS FOR TRAVELLING & SIGHTSEEING FROM HOME The rudimental reason for it is the preparation for … Read more

Astrophotography with the, part 1 – Sun & Moon

Peakfinder Teide sunset

Taking a picture of mountains with sunset or moonrise in the background is a nice experience. Some of the photographers used to do this accidentally when travelling. People, who know the area better usually can predict exactly what time the Sun or Moon will rise & set above the outlined mountain communities or closer peaks. … Read more

Wirtualna Baza Wiedzy Regionalnej jako miejsce zaawansowanej bazy informacji o terenie. (The Virtual Database of Regional Knowledge as a place of advanced terrain information database).

Wirtualna Baza Wiedzy Regionalnej

Introduction            The Virtual Database of Regional Knowledge is my brainchild about a collection of every kind of information about a random area. Nowadays we are everywhere surrounded by information technology and we have huge access to information from almost every place in the world. You have many tools, which help … Read more