The weather-based long range plans for your astronomical expedition

Cloud fraction global map NASA

If you are an astronomer, astrophotographer, or even amateur tourist, you have some dreams about long-haul trips for sure.  Quite often these trips are such long-range plans, because of our financial situation or spare time available in the foreseeable future.  In astronomy or astrophotography, these plans are mostly determined by rare celestial events, which often … Read more

Tenerife and the night sky

Tenerife astronomical observatory

Visiting Tenerife, the largest of the Canary Islands was one of the best adventures. After several days, when I could scout this picturesque place I spent one night above the unique low-level clouds. It was a fantastic experience because I have not seen that pristine sky before. The day, when I set my observation place … Read more

Total solar eclipse vizualisation on Google Earth, part 2

Solar eclipse visualization Google Earth

<<< Read the 1st part of The solar eclipse visualization on Google Earth In the 1st part of this article, I showed you how to create the “umbra” in Scribble Maps and use it in Google Earth as a .kml file. Here I would like to demonstrate step by step how to create a pretty … Read more

Deep partial solar eclipse in Scotland

Scotland Highlands partial solar eclipse 2015

On 20th March 2015, we could witness one of the most spectacular phenomena in the Solar System, the total solar eclipse. The track of totality passed across the North Atlantic and next headed into the Arctic Ocean. This eclipse used to be a logistical nightmare to observe because the only populated places from which the … Read more