12P/Pons Brooks comet during 2024 total solar eclipse

12 Pons Brooks 2024 total solar eclipse

This text shows some guidelines for the brief moment of the total solar eclipse 2024 occurrence at twilight, which presumably will allow for a fantastic view of the 12P/Pons-Brooks comet being close to its perihelion point.           1. 12P/PONS – BROOKS COMET – GENERAL INFORMATION 12P/Pons-Brooks is a periodic, Halley-type comet, … Read more

Top 100 the most beautiful places from where you could observe annular or total solar eclipses in the 2021-2040 period

Eclipses and tourist places Top 100 2021-2040

This article is probably a compression of the ebook, which I would like to release in the nearest future about the 500 spots, from where you could observe both annular and total solar eclipses worldwide in the 2021-2040 period. I have inspiration from the Sky and Telescope magazine, which has prepared recently a similar list … Read more

The most unique astronomical events you shouldn’t miss in the 2021-2030 decade

Moon Venus Mars and Milky Way 2029

Recently we have entered the new decade 2021-2030. This is a good time to take a look at what major astronomical events will occur throughout this time. I don’t mean typical celestial events, as known from a vast majority of astronomical calendars issued usually on a yearly basis. I would like to take a deep … Read more

Several important reasons why you should see the 2026 solar eclipse

Total solar eclipse 2026 and aurora

It’s still quite a lot of time to the 2026 total solar eclipse event, which has been already considered by me in terms of the possibility of seeing its impact on the atmosphere when the phenomenon happens below the horizon.  However, the character of this path of totality requires attention far earlier than normal, as … Read more

Fireworks around the world! Happy New Year 2021 to everyone!

Geneva fireworks Deckchair

Another year is coming now. The year will open the 3rd decade of the XXIth century. Time flies. It looks like it’s already 5th time when I am wishing you a Happy New Year! As usual, I would like to share with you the memories from this special night, which is already around the corner … Read more

Should Mediterranean people be prepared for a tropical cyclone?

Mallorca flood

In this article, I would like to try to answer the question in the title. I based my suggestions on the last weather patterns, that used to happen in the Mediterranean region for the last several autumnal periods. Besides I was  (un)fortunate to experience similar weather phenomena during my stay in Mallorca in December 2016. … Read more

Long lens photography from the plane – how it works?

Himalaya as seen from the plane

I really like to snap remote objects and mountain outlines. Especially since I got the new telephoto lens –  Nikon AF-S Nikkor 55-300mm f4.5-5.6 ED VR. Covering the distant sights from the ground is not only one option, but that may also give you a lot of positive feelings. You can also enjoy a much … Read more

Astrophotography with the Peakfinder.org, part 1 – Sun & Moon

Peakfinder Teide sunset

Taking a picture of mountains with sunset or moonrise in the background is a nice experience. Some of the photographers used to do this accidentally when travelling. People, who know the area better usually can predict exactly what time the Sun or Moon will rise & set above the outlined mountain communities or closer peaks. … Read more

Tenerife and the night sky

Tenerife astronomical observatory

Visiting Tenerife, the largest of the Canary Islands was one of the best adventures. After several days, when I could scout this picturesque place I spent one night above the unique low-level clouds. It was a fantastic experience because I have not seen that pristine sky before. The day, when I set my observation place … Read more