This time I would like to present an excellent way of making the simple choropleth map in QGIS, based on MS Excel data. Occasionally you will be acquainted with some tricks, which help you to understand how to plot the Excel data to your QGIS map correctly.
Extraction of item properties from AutoCAD LT to Excel
AutoCAD LT version is quite poor when compared to the full AutoCAD 3D software. It means in practice, that some options aren’t available or require a bigger workaround in order to get to the desired point. One of the issues is the lack of a direct option of exporting attribute data from our drawing directly … Read more
Updating the attribute table in QGIS from other layers
The data attribute table in QGIS can be updated in different ways. We can use the “Default value” option, provide the formula to our column, and replace some content, and so forth. In this text, I will focus on the last option – replacing the content. In addition, I would like to show you the … Read more
Batch import PDF document to Google Sheets – random data
Importing PDF documents directly to Google Sheets still remains a tricky issue. The first stop at this conversion route is using Google Docs, where you can extract the PDF content nicely. One more thing to add here is the content as a whole. Successful transferring of our PDF documents to Google Docs, and finally to … Read more
Populating multiple Excel sheet stuff in QGIS
Today I would like to discuss the process of how can we plot bulk data located in multiple Excel worksheets to QGIS and display them as the point layer. I definitely mean the situation, when your Excel data is equipped with the geometry, which allows the QGIS to locate all points correctly. The pivot of … Read more
Good way to sanitizing a bulk address list, part 1 – Excel & VBA
When you work with any Excel data, probably you experienced sometimes, that the spreadsheet input looks messy. I personally deal with the address data predominantly, which you could notice by reading my previous articles about geocoding and reverse geocoding. What is the most fun here, even the reverse geocoding results can bring confusion to our … Read more
Smart way of unlocking the Excel VBA project and workbook
Probably experienced a sad situation when the password for your Excel workbook is lost or forgotten. Head up, because it’s not the end of the world. Nowadays we can easily break down the forgotten password and recover our hidden VBA project in at least a few ways. From these many ways, there are major 2 … Read more
Excel Spreadsheet batch data geocoding for GeoJSON and JSON files
Recently I was dealing with geotagging single addresses in Google Maps and other easily accessible tools. However, the stuff, that I focused on is playing around with single placemarks only. I believe, that this operation is much more useful when we take into account not only the address but other details, related to this place. … Read more
The fastest way to execute UK address list using MySQL and PostgreSQL
The United Kingdom addresses are specific because usually, a single postcode applies to a single building or at most a compact group of properties. It means, that these objects can be found very quickly, even when we are facing a bulk of addresses. Imagine, that under one unique postcode, you have a dozen or so … Read more