Good way to sanitizing a bulk address list, part 1 – Excel & VBA

Sanitizing addresses in Excel

When you work with any Excel data, probably you experienced sometimes, that the spreadsheet input looks messy.  I personally deal with the address data predominantly, which you could notice by reading my previous articles about geocoding and reverse geocoding.  What is the most fun here, even the reverse geocoding results can bring confusion to our … Read more

Excel Spreadsheet batch data geocoding for GeoJSON and JSON files

GeoJSON output in Leaflet

Recently I was dealing with geotagging single addresses in Google Maps and other easily accessible tools. However, the stuff, that I focused on is playing around with single placemarks only. I believe, that this operation is much more useful when we take into account not only the address but other details, related to this place. … Read more

The fastest way to execute UK address list using MySQL and PostgreSQL

UK Address list SQL

The United Kingdom addresses are specific because usually, a single postcode applies to a single building or at most a compact group of properties. It means, that these objects can be found very quickly, even when we are facing a bulk of addresses. Imagine, that under one unique postcode, you have a dozen or so … Read more