Tagged: Cambridge


How Cambridge looks like by night?

I would like to show you some pictures taken at night in Cambridge – the city, where I have been living for nearly 5 years.   Cambridge punting – Scudamore company flat-bottom boats are...

Stephen Hawking funeral Cambridge 0

Stephen Hawking funeral – photo relation

When I came to the United Kingdom I set in Cambridge, the city where Stephen Hawking used to live for over 50 years. During the 3 years of stay in this university city, I...

Bonfire night Cambridge 0

Bonfire Night in Cambridge

Bonfire Night, the annual British event is coming. The Bonfire Night also known as a Fireworks Night is observed on 5th November in Britain. It is associated with Guy Fawkes, who wanted to overthrow...

Flood simulation in Google Earth 1

The flood simulation in Google Earth

Introduction Google Earth is a handy tool to browse terrain in any part of the globe. Due to detailed satellite imagery, you are able to characterize the interesting area in any line of geographic...