12P/Pons Brooks comet during 2024 total solar eclipse

12 Pons Brooks 2024 total solar eclipse

This text shows some guidelines for the brief moment of the total solar eclipse 2024 occurrence at twilight, which presumably will allow for a fantastic view of the 12P/Pons-Brooks comet being close to its perihelion point.           1. 12P/PONS – BROOKS COMET – GENERAL INFORMATION 12P/Pons-Brooks is a periodic, Halley-type comet, … Read more

The quickest way of making the speed limit map

Speed limit map London OpenStreetMap

Previously I explained to you how to make the speed limit in QGIS and display it in Google Maps. This process required drawing the new layer including the speed limit of the given road sections collected from the Waze.com map service. Admittedly this is not the quickest way of getting a map such as this, … Read more

Manual estimation of the visual range between two artificial objects – case studies

Manual estimation of view between two points

Anyone, who deals with long-distance observations knows all the most popular panorama or visibility cloak generators from the given place. Every user knows the primary malady of all these simulators – they’re based on the DEM (Digital Elevation Model) only. In practice, it means, that all the calculations are based on the pure ground with … Read more

The most unique astronomical events you shouldn’t miss in the 2021-2030 decade

Moon Venus Mars and Milky Way 2029

Recently we have entered the new decade 2021-2030. This is a good time to take a look at what major astronomical events will occur throughout this time. I don’t mean typical celestial events, as known from a vast majority of astronomical calendars issued usually on a yearly basis. I would like to take a deep … Read more

Fireworks around the world! Happy New Year 2021 to everyone!

Geneva fireworks Deckchair

Another year is coming now. The year will open the 3rd decade of the XXIth century. Time flies. It looks like it’s already 5th time when I am wishing you a Happy New Year! As usual, I would like to share with you the memories from this special night, which is already around the corner … Read more

Tokina 11-16mm AT-X PRO f2/8 DX II – one of the best wide-angle options for DSLR camera

Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 for Nikon

Finally, I decided to buy this lens after a very long contemplation. It was the longest deal with my DSLR purchase ever, which lasted more than 2 years frankly. The reason, why this optic was so desired by myself was driven by the common problem in DSLR photography – “the lack of field”. The majority … Read more

The aspect of light reflection in the long-distance observations

Northern Ireland seen from Helvellyn

This article presents the result of the longest distance observation in my life. Because it was an effect of the light phenomenon, not widely discussed by myself so far I decided to develop this topic, because of its influence on the far realing views during some specified conditions (tick haze trapped in low-level of the […]

6 logistic hints for a beach day with your toddler

Toddler on the beach

Probably you heard a lot of sentences and conclusions from your kids or friends, that if you have a very small baby is hard to take it somewhere. In fact, when your baby is younger, that 1 year, be prepared, that everything touched by your kid will eventually be landed in its mouth. Another thing … Read more

The fastest way to execute UK address list using MySQL and PostgreSQL

UK Address list SQL

The United Kingdom addresses are specific because usually, a single postcode applies to a single building or at most a compact group of properties. It means, that these objects can be found very quickly, even when we are facing a bulk of addresses. Imagine, that under one unique postcode, you have a dozen or so … Read more

Short heat plume with record-breaking temperatures

UK Heatvawe 2019

Late July is usually the hottest period in Europe, especially in the countries located further from the Atlantic influence. Unless we are talking about the areas, that lie close to the western shore, then the highest temperatures fall in August usually. Living in Poland I always deemed this period of the year as something like … Read more

A short adventure with lunar eclipse

Total lunar eclipse 2019

A total lunar eclipse occurred recently on Monday 21st of January (Pic. 1). For me, it was the next opportunity to see this rare phenomenon, especially because I couldn’t make it in July 2018, due to thundery weather. This time the weather forecast seemed to be more favourable a few days before the eclipse, although … Read more

The hottest summer in Britain and Europe

Cambridge Park & Peace drought 2018

Being abroad in Great Britain I was fortunate to witness the hottest summer, that ever occurred in the British Isles. Because I am from Poland, in this article I would like at least a bit to compare last British Summer with the Polish one and say a little bit about this summer in general, referring … Read more

Remote observation of the total lunar eclipse

Total lunar eclipse 2018

Since I bought the DSLR camera I dreamt about the total lunar eclipse observation. I wanted to repeat my observation scheme on different, much better equipment. Recently I observed the total lunar eclipse in 2015 with a compact camera only. Therefore the total lunar eclipse occurring on Friday evening 27th of July 2018 was a … Read more

Hunstanton – perfect destination for summer city-break

Hunstanton carrstone cliff

I would like to take you on a fascinating trip to a small coastal resort in the east part of England. Because I live in Cambridge this remarkable place is close to me. This is the Hunstanton, a small resort in west Norfolk. The uniquity of this place lies in its location, Hunstanton is the … Read more

Incredible view of the London Skyline from the Sky Garden.

London Sky Garden view

Visiting the Sky Garden is the cheapest way to see London from the top. Recently I have written about London seen from The Shard. As we know getting into The Shard is not the cheapest experience. You have to pay 26 £ admissions per person. The Sky Garden gives you the opportunity to get a … Read more

“Beast from the east” a nightmare for British people

Beat from the east Cambridge UK

“Beast from the east” is the common British expression for the wintry air mass, that comes to Britain mainly from the east or northeast. It happens when a big land-based high-pressure system is coming to Eastern Europe and bringing arctic air mass from north-west Russia (The White Sea or the Ural Mountains) to Central and … Read more

Long lens photography from the plane – how it works?

Himalaya as seen from the plane

I really like to snap remote objects and mountain outlines. Especially since I got the new telephoto lens –  Nikon AF-S Nikkor 55-300mm f4.5-5.6 ED VR. Covering the distant sights from the ground is not only one option, but that may also give you a lot of positive feelings. You can also enjoy a much … Read more