26 Search results

For the term "".

Geolocation large drawings in AutoCAD LT

In this post, I would like to bring you some knowledge about the geolocation of drawing in the AutoCAD LT version. At some point, you can find here some repeatable stuff showing you the...


Elevation data in QGIS without DEM

In this article, I want to demonstrate to you some shortcut, which is a product of two traditional ways of collecting the elevation data for any project in QGIS. The first way of collecting...


Batch styling of KML files in Google Earth

Probably you used Google Earth many times, watched at least a few tutorials, and tried to manipulate some files by yourself. On the Web, you can find many sources, where the process of creating...


Travelling & Sightseeing from home

Now is not the best time for traveling around the world, because it’s restricted due to the coronavirus outbreak worldwide. Nevertheless, if our life is affected by a pandemic or not, this type of...


Easy way to create the KML files with Python

There are quite a few ways allowing us to create the .kml file for Google Earth and Google Maps. The solution presented here is not quicker, but for sure quite convenient for someone, who...


Content management in KML files

In my previous article, I clarified the link management in the relation between Google MyMaps – .kml files – Google Earth and the other way around. Now, as a continuation, I would like to...


Link management in Google MyMaps and KML files

Google MyMaps is a very useful tool for people, who want to create their own map and base it on the Google Maps interface. Personally, I use it quite often, especially when planning some...