Tagged: QGIS

OpenStreetMap data download to QGIS 2

Downloading OpenStreetMap vector datasets effectively

OpenStreetMap platform is a worldwide free geographic database, updated and maintained by free volunteers. The primary advantage of this platform is the availability of the data, which can be downloaded anytime by the user...

Transfer layer from AutoCAD to AGOL via QGIS 2 1

Transfer AutoCAD drawing to ArcGIS Online part II

The previous post explained to you the simplest way of migrating the AutoCAD drawing to ArcGIS Online. It included the important bits like the AutoCAD layer extraction as well as its further import to...

AutoCAD to AGOL via QGIS 6

Transfer AutoCAD drawing to ArcGIS Online – part I

This is the two-piece article, which aims to show you how to successfully add the AutoCAD LT drawing to the ArcGIS Online platform. In part 1 the superficial layer will be chosen, whereas the...

QGIS special characters 1

Using special characters in QGIS expressions

This brief text explains how to use some custom symbols in QGIS expression. Obviously, it applies only to the quoted part, which represents the bits with string. There are 2 ways of doing it....

QGIS elevation autofill 0

Autofill elevation data for any QGIS point layer

In the recent text, I’ve shown you how to get the elevation data to QGIS without DEM. Imagine, that this is a track for equipping any point in QGIS with elevation data regardless of...

QGIS elevation without DEM 0

Elevation data in QGIS without DEM

In this article, I want to demonstrate to you some shortcut, which is a product of two traditional ways of collecting the elevation data for any project in QGIS. The first way of collecting...

FTTX schematics QGIS 0

Making fibre FTTx schematics in QGIS

This article is dedicated to anyone, who works in the telecom industry and struggles with creating the FTTx schematics. We have several nice ways to combat our day-to-day work, although not all of them...

OpenInfraMap in QGIS 0

Displaying OpenInfraMap data in QGIS

OpenInfraMap is one of many OpenStreetMap projects, which is concentrated on highlighting the infrastructure worldwide. Predominantly this infrastructure is invisible in the major OpenStreetMap rendering but is directly sourced from OpenStreetMap. The OpennInfraMap is...

Custom grid composer QGIS 0

Preparing simple custom grid in QGIS print composer

Print composer in QGIS gives us the possibility of creating printable maps and atlases, which can be saved as the .pdf or .svg. The print composer provides a wide spectrum of options by adding...

Multiple Excel sheets in Google Earth 0

Populating multiple Excel sheet stuff in QGIS

Today I would like to discuss the process of how can we plot bulk data located in multiple Excel worksheets to QGIS and display them as the point layer. I definitely mean the situation,...