Downloading OpenStreetMap vector datasets effectively

OpenStreetMap data download to QGIS

OpenStreetMap platform is a worldwide free geographic database, updated and maintained by free volunteers. The primary advantage of this platform is the availability of the data, which can be downloaded anytime by the user unlike Google Maps, which requires appropriate payments. In fact, there are a few options for getting the GIS vector data from … Read more

The correct way of using QGIS Viewshed plugin

QGIS Viewshed plugin

Visibility analysis constitutes great importance in many fields such as sensor deployment, decisions for placement of mobile towers for maximum coverage, military operation planning, gaming, fire monitoring towers in the forest, urban design, landscape planning, etc (Saxena, Mundra, Jigyasu, 2020) or even for location graves (Lockwood, Masters, 2021). The explanations of the current text are … Read more

Using special characters in QGIS expressions

QGIS special characters

This brief text explains how to use some custom symbols in QGIS expression. Obviously, it applies only to the quoted part, which represents the bits with string. There are 2 ways of doing it. The first method uses the char() element, which can give us the desired symbol, letter, or icon. In the case of … Read more

Making fibre FTTx schematics in QGIS

FTTX schematics QGIS

This article is dedicated to anyone, who works in the telecom industry and struggles with creating the FTTx schematics. We have several nice ways to combat our day-to-day work, although not all of them are for free – this is one reason. Another one refers to our particular project, which does not always fit with … Read more

Quick transfer the QGIS legend from print layout to Excel

Transfer legend from QGIS to Excel

Maybe you were wondering about the possibility of transferring the legend from the QGIS print layout to Excel? This short text shows you how to do it, especially for the simple legend, which won’t last long. The tutorial is oriented toward not programming-savvy people, therefore please don’t expect any kind of automatization here. Of course, … Read more

The quickest way of making the speed limit map

Speed limit map London OpenStreetMap

Previously I explained to you how to make the speed limit in QGIS and display it in Google Maps. This process required drawing the new layer including the speed limit of the given road sections collected from the map service. Admittedly this is not the quickest way of getting a map such as this, … Read more

Displaying OpenInfraMap data in QGIS

OpenInfraMap in QGIS

OpenInfraMap is one of many OpenStreetMap projects, which is concentrated on highlighting the infrastructure worldwide. Predominantly this infrastructure is invisible in the major OpenStreetMap rendering but is directly sourced from OpenStreetMap. The OpennInfraMap is focused on displaying: – Power, – Solar generation, – Petroleum (Oil & Gas), – Water infrastructure, – Telecoms. The map is … Read more